Wednesday, October 13, 2010

contd...again..after delay

The park in my first colony in delhi....aahh..the thought of it brings back memories of my dad buying me cricket bats month after month....the swings which i could never swing beyond 1 metre high, the rolling gates and the large number of wayward lazy trees leaving only a tiny piece of land free- which we called as our cricketing pitch. it was here that we used to converge every evening to try our hand at dodging the trees and hitting the boundaries. We could hit anywhere, due to the trees we were sure no one could catch our shot. Those evenings of bliss used to be interrupted by a wide variety of starry eyed stray dogs; salivating, red eyed and smelling. It was on such an evening that the trio of us reached the ground early. since no one else had reached by then, we decided to teach the dogs a lesson, to beware of It was fun throwing small stones at them, making faces and staring into their eyes( something which we regretted and kept as a lesson for the rest of life). There were 5 dogs; big and rabied...what followed was pandemonium as we were chased by those 5 dogs throughout the park, with each of them intent on ripping us apart . After a few runs of being chased and fearing for my life, i noticed my valiant bro sitting atop the gate( how he climbed up i have no idea) and my tag partner ,abou ( the valiant stead?)outside while i was the bait for 5 hungry dogs........I ran, ran, ran and finally the 2 of them threw stones at the dogs and helped me to safety. Respect for animals comes easily once u see their dark side. It was then i realised i would be an utter waste being an army man...i would run away the minute a few hungry enemy troops came behind me...I guessed i was meant for internal stuff....-wwf on the bed..not on the field...

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